On December 16, 2020, professors from Shanghai Tongji University led an expert delegation to visit our company. Mr. Zhao Xuecheng,General manager of Yonker Medical, and Mr. Qiu Zhaohao, manager of ...
On May 16, 2021, the 84th China International Medical Equipment Expo with the theme of “NEW TECH, SMART FUTURE” ended successfully at the Shanghai International Exhibition Center.
UV phototherapy is 311 ~ 313nm ultraviolet light treatment.Also known as narrow spectrum ultraviolet radiation therapy ( NB UVB therapy ).The narrow segment of UVB: the wavelength of 311 ~ 313nm ca...
Normally, healthy peoples’ SpO2 value is between 98% and 100%, and if the value over 100%, it is considered as blood oxygen saturation is too high.High blood oxygen saturation can cause ce...
As the most influential global event dedicated to all facets of the beauty industry, Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna has been a landmark event for more than 50 years.
Cosmoprof is where companies do b...